Mission Statement
UpRiver is an online community committed to providing practical and coherent methods for users to improve their lives in all aspects. We strive to fight against the downwards stream of moral and spiritual decay in today’s society by guiding users on a path that will ultimately make them the best version of themselves possible and bring them fulfillment in their lives.
Why “UpRiver”
In almost all bodies of water, we find currents.
In the social climate today that is our proverbial body of water, we as a group, recognized that a lot of condoned, and even suggested practices, did not actually serve to create truly extraordinary individuals. From everything to accepting laziness, to working a 9-5 job, to eating fast food day in and day out, we fundamentally offer practices and opinions that oppose this perspective.
To go “UpRiver” is to oppose the current that seeks to push us in the direction of mediocrity. We reject a ‘current’ that tells us that social media addiction is okay, and waking up just as anxious and stressed as you went to sleep is normal. Instead of going with the stream, we choose to go UpRiver. Out of the vision to educate and attract more people like us, UpRiver was born.
UpRiver was created by 3 individuals who wanted to be the best versions of themselves.
Due to this common goal they were all drawn together into a focus group. Inspired by their own progress, they decided to create a space where they could share their findings and form a community to discuss and learn from other like-minded individuals.
While many other sites you will find on the web today are motivated by maximum profit, UpRiver is different. We all have a dream that we can make the world a better place and UpRiver is our attempt to do so. Content posted here will be motivated by the desire to improve people’s lives.
We hope that you will join us on our journey UpRiver.
UpRiver is built on three main tenets. They are as follows:
“Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.”
UpRiver was created with the goal of improving people’s lives and thus making the world a better place. It is our mission, and our promise, to only post things that we truly believe align with this goal.
Integrity relates closely to honesty and moral action.
Impact is “the force of impression of one thing on another: a significant or major effect.”
All of the articles here on UpRiver are meant to benefit the reader in one way or another. We strive to publish articles that will impact people’s lives for the better, and thus impact society. We aim to make topics actionable whenever possible so readers can begin implementing them into their own lives immediately.
Impact relates closely to change, results, effect, and importance.
“Efficiency is the (often measurable) ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result.”
We want to make the most important and relevant information quickly and easily available to all users. This means not clogging our articles with obscure facts or irrelevant side tangents. We strive to communicate our message to readers in the most efficient way possible. No fluff, no bullshit, only what you need to know.
Efficiency relates closely to competency, simplicity, minimalism, and prioritization.
Support us
UpRiver was completley created by Greg, Matt and Spencer on our own initiative and with our own free time. We’d love to devote all of our time and resouces into growing UpRiver into the platform we visualize it becoming yet at the end of the day we still have our own day jobs to focus on and our own bills to pay.
If you like what UpRiver is doing and would like to join us in accomplishing our mission, please consider donating to our Patreon. All funds will be used towards developing UpRiver into the site we know it can be. Please click the icon below to get started.