
Introduction to Drugs

Drugs, a loaded word filled with numerous bad and good connotations depending on who you are, what you've been told, and what you've experienced on them. Almost everyone tries drugs, many of us become addicted, and a few of us even use them beneficially.

1. What Are Drugs? Why Do We Do Them?

TL;DR: Drugs are a wide classification of chemicals that alter your biology for medical, recreational, or other reasons. Drugs that affect your consciousness are termed psychoactive, with the main categories being stimulants like caffeine, depressants like alcohol, antipsychotics like SSRIs, and hallucinogens like LSD.

2. Alcohol and Health: What You Need to Know

TL;DR: Alcohol, or ethanol, is a popular depressant drug made through the fermentation of sugars in plants. It stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine, as well as inhibits neural activity leading to feelings of euphoria and reduced motor control. Despite its pervasiveness, alcohol is highly dangerous, being responsible for 5.3% of all global deaths.
Are tobacco and nicotine unhealthy?

4. Are Nicotine and Tobacco Unhealthy?

TL;DR: All tobacco products are highly addictive, cause cancer, and damage your entire body when smoked. Nicotine alone doesn’t cause cancer, but messes up your brain chemistry for months and is highly addictive.

5. Caffeine: Natures Safe Stimulant

TL;DR: Caffeine is a powerful, yet quite safe, stimulant drug that functions by blocking adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, leading to feelings of wakefulness and alertness.
Cannabis buds, joints, and a grinder

7. The Truth Behind Cannabis

TL;DR: Cannabis is a plant containing the psychoactive compound, THC. When smoked or consumed it leads to feelings of euphoria by blocking cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Cannabis is generally safe, although usage can cause bad trips, dependence and even increased risk of schizophrenia.
The Best Nootropics and Smart Drugs

9. What Are the Best Nootropics?

TL;DR: Smart drugs work, they just won't make you a genius. Categories from safest to least safe include nutritional-based, adaptogens, stimulants, and designer drugs. Many designer drugs are not well understood yet. Nootropics may improve energy levels and mood, and/or memory and learning rate.