
One of the three founders of UpRiver.

4. Get the Most Out of the Gym

TL;DR: The gym is more than just a place to grunt and throw weights around. Apply tried and trusted scientific principles to your understanding and practice of weight room exercise, in order to see the best and quickest results.

7. Cardio: Your Guide to Getting Lean

TL;DR: Cardio can serve several functions. Tailor your specific approach to your goals while employing scientific tools and tactics like LISS, HIIT and Energy Tracking to achieve them as expediently as possible.

4. Savour, Absorb and Express Gratitude

TL;DR: There exists a tool that can instantly reconfigure your neurochemistry. With practice, this tool can lead to a greater sense of emotional wellbeing as well as improved relationships with those around you and yourself. That tool is called gratefulness.

6. Building & Breaking Habits

TL;DR: With methods and tools to control how your subconscious operates, and how to introduce good habits while eliminating the bad ones, we can better control what we produce, learn and accomplish.

12. Improvement By Subtraction: Get Better By Doing Less

TL;DR: Too often, when people are looking to improve themselves, start businesses, develop a physique, improve relationships, and generally improve one’s health, we over-complicate. As people for the most part are optimistic about their future, they focus too greatly on the upsides of things yet neglect the downsides. It's time to stop adding, and start subtracting. Introducing, improvement by subtraction.

13. The Mosquito and The Elephant

TL;DR: On your journey Upriver, you will encounter many resistances; it is the ‘small’ and ‘insignificant’ issues that will truly lead to demise and thus we must orient our defenses to these instead of the ‘big’ issues.
how to get into flow state

16. How to Get Into Flow

TL;DR: Human beings are capable of entering a “flowstate” where they experience total concentration, immersion and it is generally marked by a loss of self-consciousness.

Introduction to Sex

Fantastic, terrifying, exhilarating, healthy, addictive, connective, divisive, transformative. Sex. Sex and sex related topics can be all of these things. The sex category of UpRiver is more than just about sexual intercourse, it is about the fundamental drive underlying all living things. Our belief is that by understanding and mastering sexual drive you will be able to use it to be healthier and accomplish more throughout your lifetime.

5. Do Cold Showers Increase Testosterone?

TL;DR: The connection between routine cold exposure and increased levels of testosterone in the body seem hugely beneficial to our survival [1]. In today’s age where “survival” isn’t much of a concern, this connection offers benefits in the realm of sexual health and libido support.

10. Male Sex Supplementation: Nature’s Viagra

TL;DR: While testosterone boosting comes in a variety of different approaches, one of the most easily accessible and actionable is over-the-counter supplementation. With all cognitive dissonance out there regarding which supplements are ideal to take, here is a list of the few we recommend first and foremost for you to support your body in its own testosterone production.

3. Nighttime Routines for Better Sleep

TL;DR: Falling asleep can be hard sometimes. However, there are things that like meditation, sleep aid products and blue light avoidance, that will aid in your attempt at dozing off while also offering benefits that exceed just sleep alone.

6. Best Supplements For Sleep – Beginner’s Guide

TL;DR: In the world of sleep, there are supplements that can really help us normalize our sleep-wake cycle. Conversely, there are also supplements one must seriously avoid before bedtime to ensure proper quality of rest for that night. It’s in one’s benefit to learn which are which and use that information to one’s advantage.

8. Circadian Rhythm & Sleep Chronotypes

TL;DR: When it comes to sleep, there exists a debate among biohackers regarding which method is the best to adhere to and follow. One should take the time to both understand and experiment with methods on the pursuit of optimal sleep.

5. Do We Really NEED Fiber?

TL:DR: Fiber, the long-touted digestive aid daytime television always told us we needed more of and should supplement, may not be as essential as once thought to human wellness. Reexamine your diet to determine if fiber is really all that necessary for optimizing your health.

6. Benefits of Fasting

TL;DR: Fasting offers benefits to the human body that on the whole improve one’s health. As these benefits include hormone regulation, inflammation reduction and increased levels of autophagy etc., to optimize one’s health, fasting in its many forms is an important addition to a biohacker’s life.