
Introduction to Sleep

It goes without saying how important a good night's sleep is. Energy, motivation and interest levels can often correlate directly with how much sleep you got the night before. To make the most of the hours you’re awake you should make the most of the hours you’re asleep.

1. Why Do We Sleep?

TL;DR: Sleep is vitally important yet the reason why we do it is still not understood. The inactivity, energy conservation, restorative and brain plasticity theories give us an idea of why we sleep.

2. Sleep Stages Explained

TL;DR: You cycle through different stages of sleep: light sleep, deep sleep, and REM, with the last two being most important. Keep your room dark and between 15 - 19oC, eat during the day, and most importantly, sleep while the sun is down and be awake and active while the sun is up.

3. Nighttime Routines for Better Sleep

TL;DR: Falling asleep can be hard sometimes. However, there are things that like meditation, sleep aid products and blue light avoidance, that will aid in your attempt at dozing off while also offering benefits that exceed just sleep alone.

4. Optimize Your Bedroom; Sleep Better

TL;DR: Environmental factors such as noise, light, temperature, bedding and your partner can be detrimental to your sleep. Remove sources of light and noise, set your room to around 65°F when you sleep, invest in a good mattress and communicate with your partner to optimize your sleep environment.

6. Best Supplements For Sleep – Beginner’s Guide

TL;DR: In the world of sleep, there are supplements that can really help us normalize our sleep-wake cycle. Conversely, there are also supplements one must seriously avoid before bedtime to ensure proper quality of rest for that night. It’s in one’s benefit to learn which are which and use that information to one’s advantage.

8. Circadian Rhythm & Sleep Chronotypes

TL;DR: When it comes to sleep, there exists a debate among biohackers regarding which method is the best to adhere to and follow. One should take the time to both understand and experiment with methods on the pursuit of optimal sleep.