TL;DR: Sexual transmutation is about converting sexual power into a higher power to use as you wish.
“A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually, it will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. It may be submerged and controlled for a time, but its very nature causes it to be ever seeking means of expression. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.
Fortunate, indeed, is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort, for he has, by that discovery, lifted himself to the status of a genius.” [1]
-Napoleon Hill
Everyone wants more energy, focus, and confidence. Whether it’s to feel good, work harder, become rich and famous, get big muscles, or make an impact on the world. Often we say we don’t have the time to do everything we want, but the truth is that we do not have the energy [2].
So how does one get more energy? We go to the source: sexual energy, our basic animalistic driving force.
When one successfully redirects sexual energy towards non-sexual purposes, it is termed sexual transmutation. Some practice it periodically, and others do so for extended periods of time, even years. Most are never even exposed to the idea.
The purpose of this article is to ground you in a deeper understanding of sexual transmutation: its history, science, icons, and a sensible approach.
What is Sexual Transmutation?
Sexual transmutation is the transformation of sexual urges and energy from a sexual method of expression to an expression of a different, or higher, form. This provides you with very high levels of energy to use at your discretion.
Think of sexual energy like the water behind a dam, a form of potential energy. You can allow the water to flow out unrestricted, or you can redirect its flow through turbines that transform this power into another form.
How Do I Do It?
Most people who first give sexual transmutation a whirl think it’s all about resisting sexual urges, but that does not work. That is akin to damming the waterfall; the water will only build up and flow around the dam or eventually break through it.
Instead of holding in or restricting this energy, you should give it a creative release.
You could release this energy through porn, masturbation, and fantasizing, or you could instead workout, read a book, start a company, learn the piano, network etc.
By focusing your attention on something productive, you redirect energy from thoughts of sex to thoughts of the new activity giving this energy a place to go – a turbine to push through.
Sexual transmutation should be though of as a skill that you practice and hone over a period of time. It is also something to approach in stages.

Take a look through our previous articles in the sex category starting with eliminating porn use, practising semen retention, finding outlets for your sexual energy, and finally practising and sharing these habits with your partner.
Practising sexual transmutation doesn’t mean you can’t have ever enjoy an orgasm. What it’s really about is being in control of your sexual drive rather than the other way around. Furthermore, sexual relationships can increase your drive and serve as a impetus to higher levels of creativity.
Understanding the Root of Sexual Energy
“Thus, “sex” refers to the joining of what was separated long ago: male and female. Yet, there are levels and levels of sexual activity, ranging from the simplest forms of sexual union among minerals, plants, and animals, up to the divine sexual acts that create planets, solar systems, and universes. Sex is far more than what modern society thinks it is. In reality, sex is sacred, and a source of incredible, untapped power.” [4]
Some cultures believe that sex is a fundamental aspect of the Universe and pervades all of creation, implying the archetype or pattern of sex as a general phenomenon dates to the beginning of the Universe.

The word sex likely comes from Latin secare, meaning “to cut off”, as in separating into two types [6].
This deep respect many cultures have for sex appears to have diminished in recent years, especially in the world of Hollywood, porn sites, social media, and advertising. Even though the current generations are more promiscuous than the last, they still have less sex on average [7][8].
Is it possible we have lost control over our desires, even become addicts to them?
God Help Us!
Religious reference to sexual transmutation is ubiquitous and different religions often share similar beliefs, albeit in different forms. In recorded history, the idea of celibacy as a means to increase drive towards ‘higher’ goals, and enhance health and spirituality is an old and repeating concept.

The Vedic scriptures originated around 1500 BCE and were a primary influence on the formation of Hinduism. In ancient India, students attempting to reach their highest self were expected to be strictly celibate (“brahmacharya”) in order to sublimate their sexual energy (“retas”) into spiritual energy (“tejas”) and understand the true nature of reality as well as themselves (“Brahman”). Ancient Hindus also believed that sexual desire was the ultimate of all desires [10][11].
Ancient Chinese Taoists perceived three forms of energy in the body: Jing, Qi, and Shen. They sought to sublimate their sexual energy (Jing) into Qi in the body, and then finally into Shen. Shen is thought to be the highest form of energy and is related to consciousness [12]. Taoism was formed in the early 4th century BCE.
In Catholicism, it was encouraged for clerics to remain celibate, or if one couldn’t remain celibate, then to marry “For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion” [13][14]. The idea of the Virgin Mary is an example of the importance of celibacy of women as well as men in Christianity.
While marriage is generally strongly preferred to celibacy in Judaism in order to encourage procreation, masturbation of Jewish males is prohibited in the Talmud, promiscuous sex was very looked down upon, and sexual desire was meant to be controlled [15].
In Buddhism, monks very frequently remain celibate in order to achieve enlightenment, and celibacy has remained a strong belief for the last twenty five thousand years [16].

All of the most pervasive religions have a common theme of sexual control, and often to the extreme of complete celibacy.
Seeing that sex is an ancient archetypal concept, or at least a very ancient biological phenomenon, it seems prudent to wisely use this power within us. Even individuals who have achieved great things in modern times have commented on the use of sexual transmutation, and the growing community of NoFap supports this notion.
Just as religion advises to be moderate in consumption of food and other common sense advice, it also advises to be moderate when it comes to sexual indulgence. It appears that one can either release their sexual energy unconstructively and thus waste the majority of their most universal desire, or they can harness it constructively to raise them up to a higher level physically, mentally, and spiritually.
The Science of Masturbation and Porn
Conventional news sources would have you believe that porn use can be healthy [18], or that it’s too complicated to say [19]. Little evidence is given to back up these statements.
On the other side of the argument, there is strong evidence backing the harmful effects of porn including addiction, disruption of neural connections, desensitization of the brain, erectile dysfunction, inability to delay gratification, lowered libido, higher concentrations of tumor circulation factor and many others. Read more on The Dangers of Porn.
It seems that science clearly indicates that porn is detrimental to the user’s health, yet media outlets do not report the scientific evidence [20].
We’re told that masturbation is perfectly healthy as well, and is often encouraged by even doctors [21][22][23]. The real story seems to be quite different.
While masturbating might not be as bad as porn use, you waste your most powerful energy source. You may also desensitize yourself through abuse of dopamine reward circuitry in the brain, reduce your testosterone levels, and associate sex to your hand instead of a woman.
The science is still catching up to ancient knowledge on this topic, but one scientifically supported example is that not ejaculating for a week can increase your testosterone by 150% [24].
If you want to achieve your potential, and develop healthier relationships, you should reduce porn use over time until you have completely eliminated it. Quitting cold turkey may also be a good option while setting up a 30 day counter somewhere to hold you accountable, like many users do on NoFap. See our article on NoFap here.
Who Uses Sexual Transmutation?
Great scientists, artists, athletes, political and philosophical leaders are the most frequent users of sexual transmutation because they require more energy than the layman. In fact, high performers in any arena are the most common users.
Although it may be be difficult or impossible to prove in some cases, great individuals such as Sigmund Freud, Sir Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Ghandi, Leo Tolstoy, Michaelangelo, Pythagorus and many more are reported to have relied on sexual transmutation to achieve their visions. [27]
A couple examples of more recent advocates or users are Muhammad Ali, Kanye West, Mark Wahlberg, and Steve Jobs [28].
“There’s a kid just come down here named Cassius Clay. If you bet on him every time he fights, you’ll be a rich man, ‘cause he won’t lose a single fight. I believe his thing is sexual control. And he’s got it. Any kid who can control his sex can with the title. I believe it.”
– Olympic Boxing Coach, Harry Wiley, quote from book ‘Muhammad Ali, The Greatest.’ [30]
Everyone uses sexual transmutation to a certain extent whether they know it or not. However, most don’t harness the full reservoir of sexual power they have since it requires large amounts of discipline.
The Common Sense Approach
We all know the feeling we get after an orgasm. We get tired, limp, sleepy, lower in motivation and energy, and feel satisfied. It feels good and this is natural. We also all know the opposite feeling, being horny. We feel alert, aggressive, energized, and highly motivated to satisfy that desire.
It’s no secret that there is a link between controlled sexual energy and success, but still most people aren’t fully aware of the benefits. However, complete abstinence isn’t the only option, one can also use sexual transmutation in moderation. Similar to the recommendation of the Talmud, having sex within a relationship (or marriage) may be the best middle-ground.
Take 10 minutes to read through NoFap forums on Reddit and you will see hundreds of personal accounts of the effects of sexual transmutation. Read more in our article on NoFap.

At first, it’s hard to redirect our sexual urges, but when we do we can achieve much higher levels of capability.
Throughout history, great individuals have used sexual transmutation to boost creativity and motivation, and all major religions note the importance of it.
Despite media insisting that porn isn’t that bad and masturbation is healthy, we are seeing a large amount of scientific evidence suggesting the exact opposite. Furthermore, resurgence of the ancient idea of sex transmutation seems to be making waves in communities like NoFap
It may take a large amount of discipline, but not everyone has to get to the level that Da Vinci or Jesus could attain. We can all integrate sexual transmutation into our lives to various degrees.

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