Introduction to Sleep

It goes without saying how important a good night’s sleep is. Energy, motivation and interest levels can often correlate directly with how much sleep you got the night before. To make the most of the hours you’re awake you should make the most of the hours you’re asleep.

Much like in the other categories on UpRiver, the sleep articles in the sleep section are organized in a specific way. The first few articles address why we sleep in the first place and give a brief overview of what’s happening as we sleep. The middle articles provide methods and strategies in order to optimize your sleep and finally the last articles provide a deeper explanation of your circadian rhythm, sleep chronotypes and even dream interpretation. 

The overarching goal of these articles is to provide a comprehensive overview of sleep, so that you may begin sleeping better tonight in order to start living better tomorrow. 

Welcome to the world of sleep as it exists here on UpRiver.


To read more, check out our articles listed from beginner to advanced below.

  1. Why Do We Sleep?
  2. Sleep Stages
  3. Nighttime Routines
  4. Sleep Environment
  5. Waking Up When You’re Tired
  6. Supplements
  7. Circadian Rhythm
  8. Sleep Chronotypes
  9. Sleep Gadgets
  10. Dream Interpretation


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