TL;DR: While testosterone boosting comes in a variety of different approaches, one of the most easily accessible and actionable is over-the-counter supplementation. With all cognitive dissonance out there regarding which supplements are ideal to take, here is a list of the few we recommend first and foremost for you to support your body in its own testosterone production.
Welcome back Upriver, biohacker.
Today we will be discussing supplementation as it relates to one of the primary male hormones, testosterone!
Did you know that as of 30 years old, your testosterone levels begin decreasing by 1% per year?[1]
While most of you know what testosterone is, not many know the actual benefits of preventing T’s decline or even the benefits of raising T naturally.
Even though in today’s political climate T seems to get a bad reputation (think roid rage and acne) let’s take a second to properly examine some of the issues resulting from decreased testosterone in a male’s body.
- Low Libido
- Decreased muscle mass/strength
- Low sperm production
- Decreased bone density
- Poor red blood cell production
- Sleep disturbance
- Etc.
Now even though this is not an exhaustive list of the problems arising from low T (some more trivial and others more severe), hopefully this list is enough to convince you that going UpRiver becomes much easier when one rid themselves of or avoids exposure to these Low-T ailments.
Thankfully, we have compiled a list of supplements that can help you keep your T at optimal levels relatively irrespective of age. However, do keep in mind that the dosage of all supplements mentioned herein, are highly dependent on the individual and their particular physiological requirements. Thus, without further ado:
Supplements and Testosterone
Despite the first two supplements on our list being easily found in your average, over-the-counter multivitamin, for a physiologically significant dosage, the trace amount of these two minerals simply will not suffice. These two testosterone boosting powerhouses are of course
Zinc and Magnesium.
These two bad-boys have a twofold positive effect on male endocrinology. Namely, not only do they allow sleep-inducing hormones to flow more freely throughout the body leading to better quality sleep; Z and M also directly affect the cells in the testes. Z and M aid in the regeneration of the cells in the testes that allow them to function at a more efficient rate and with higher effectiveness. In an equation: more zzz’s + better nards = more testosterone! [2]
The next T-booster on our list is a supplement that comes as no surprise to anyone who has been in the fitness or bodybuilding world for a little while. Notwithstanding its typical marketing bullsh*t saying something on the label like “natural steroids,” this stuff really has been shown to increase a man’s T. This supplement is of course,
Tribulus Terrestris
Now, even-though tribulus is NOT a steroid – or even comparable to one – that is not to say that it does not have a profound effect on the primary male hormone. In fact, in one 90-day study on men with ED (erectile dysfunction), tribulus was found to increase testosterone by 16% and thus lead to reports of more successful sex lives of participants. [3]
It is important to recognize that this study was done on men with already Low-T. Evidence is not conclusive yet on whether Tribulus will boost the T of healthy men with normal T levels, but if you’re 30+ this may be one you ought to give a good ol’ fashion go.
Next up on our list, we have a supplement that while does not directly focus on the testosterone production system, holistically supports the mechanisms that allow your family jewels to do their job. This supplement is of course, the magnificent:
For those unfamiliar with DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone is a naturally occurring hormone in the body. This beauty plays a role in not only maintaining elevated levels of its cousin testosterone, but it also keeps its sister estrogen at lower levels in a male’s body.
As far as natural test-boosting goes, DHEA kind of seems like the holy grail. Not only does it have the biggest body of research supporting its benefits in raising T in men, but it also has been shown to boost T by 20% in subjects when compared to a placebo. [4]
What’s the downside with DHEA then? Why isn’t everyone on this sh*t?
Well, due to its relative consensus on its T-boosting properties, DHEA is actually banned in most professional sporting events… In light of this, consider your goals before taking this particular plunge.
Last up on today’s list but certainly not least, we turn to alternative medicine for this anti-anxiolytic and T-upping heavy-hitter,
Known as Withania Somnifera, Ash is an herb supplement derived from and used in ancient Indian medicine. While lots of its documented effects have revolved around reducing depression and anxiety in subjects, Ash’s T-boosting properties seem almost indispensable from a true biohacker’s arsenal.
One study on Ashwaghanda tested its benefits on the sperm quality of otherwise infertile men. These men received 5g per day of a 90 day period. The male subjects in this study were found to have a 10%-22% increase in testosterone levels. Additionally and incredibly, 14% of the men’s female partners fell pregnant after the 90 days! Now, irrespective of your intent for children, the results of this study and others like it, speak for themselves. [5]
It’s important to remember that the dosages of these various supplements depends highly on the individual. Furthermore, one must also not forget that even though there are supplements to aid in T boosting, there are also several foods, practices and exercise protocols that should be implemented synergistically in the pursuit of optimal T levels.
Best of luck biohacker, and keep moving UpRiver.
