2. Iron

Needed to make hemoglobin, which red blood cells use to carry oxygen. Iron is also needed to make myoglobin – a hemoprotein found in muscle fibers that receives oxygen from the hemoglobin in the bloodstream and diffuses it throughout muscle cells, where it can be used to make energy. Needed for creation of T-cells, white blood cells responsible for taking care of infected and malignant cells. Iron is also an important component of many enzymes. Sources include liver, sea foods, red meats, leafy green vegetables, beans, and fish.

Quick Facts
-Needed to make hemoglobin, which red blood cells use to carry oxygen.
-Iron is also needed to make myoglobin. Myoglobin is a hemoprotein found in muscle fibers that receives oxygen from the hemoglobin in the bloodstream and diffuses it throughout muscle cells, where it can be used to make energy.” Without this, energy production decreases and you may feel fatigued
-Needed for creation of T-cells, white blood cells responsible for taking care of infected and malignant cells
-Important component of many enzymes
-Found as heme iron in animal foods, and non-heme iron in plant foods, which is absorbed less efficiently [64]
-Found in all living organisms [65]

Males 19 – 30 yrs: 18 mg
Females 19 – 30 yrs: 18 mg

-Anemia: Oxygen will not bind as much to red blood cells, symptoms include extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain fast heartbeat or shortness of breath, headache, dizziness or lightheadedness, cold hands and feet, inflammation or soreness of tongue, brittle nails, unusual cravings, poor appetite [181]

-Rare from diet
-Can be lethal in high doses from supplements. Poisoning symptoms include nausea and abdominal pain initially, as well as vomiting blood and black or bloody stool within 6 hours.
-Early symptoms of toxicity include nausea, stomach pain and vomiting [182]
-Some uncertainty in the upper limit, but 45mg is recommended not to be exceeded [https://ods.od.nih.gov/pdf/factsheets/iron-consumer.pdf]

Liver, sea foods, red meats, leafy green vegetables, beans, fish [65]