
Starch is made of chains of glucose molecules that humans can break down into glucose and use for energy. They are only found in plants. Starches are a primary source of carbohydrates in the diet, and are healthier to consume in large quantities than regular table sugar. Sources include grains, legumes, and potatoes.

Quick Facts

-Chains of glucose molecules
-Only comes from plants that store energy in the form of starch, ex: potatoes
-Found in large amounts in grains like rice, corn, wheat, oats etc., potatoes, and root vegetables

Counted in the RDI of carbohydrates.

The same as for carbohydrates

The same as for carbohydrates

Grains: Breads, pastas, cereals. Any foods made from wheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, quinoa, spelt, millet, kamut etc. breads, pastas

Legumes: Lima beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils

Potatoes: White, red and yellow potato, sweet potato