TL;DR: As some information out there can be contradictory, ensure you investigate the effects and side-effects of this “love drug” when using it for recreation or for therapy.
Let us just start by saying that, we are not doctors. This article is not medical advice, nor should it be treated as such. This article is purely for educational purposes. Finally, we do not condone the use of any illegal substances nor the use of any prescription drug without a say-so from your physician.
Welcome back, biohacker. Today we will be discussing arguably the most popular drug amongst DJ’s and ravers alike. This substance is, of course, the notorious love drug: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Molly, Ecstasy, MDMA, or simply M.
In this article we will be covering the history of MDMA, legal classification of MDMA, the ubiquitousness of its usage, the harms involved and how to minimize those harms, and the new and cutting edge uses for MDMA in clinical settings. With that said, let’s jump right into it, shall we?
What Is MDMA?
MDMA was originally developed in 1912 by The Merck Group in Germany [1]. While the reasons for M’s creation are not entirely known, potentially as a therapeutic, potentially as an accident (the stories vary), what we do know is that MDMA rose to fame as a popular recreational substance very quickly. All over especially the Western and European world, M can be easily found in nightclubs, at raves, at parties, and in bars.
MDMA is usually taken in pill form and is widely taken to induce several pleasurable sensations. While we will delve into what these sensations are later in the article, we will first talk about how MDMA brings about a temporary change in one’s neurochemistry.
How Does MDMA Work?
MDMA enters the body and crosses the blood-brain barrier in about 15-45 minutes, resulting in the onset of initial noticeable effects [2]. A simplistic description of how MDMA works is as follows:
In your brain, there are several kinds of neurotransmitters. Each one of these chemicals are released at very particular times from one synapse to the next in order to affect the rest of the brain and the body as a whole. The neurotransmitter that MDMA takes a particular effect on is serotonin. While serotonin is responsible for many functions in the body, it is notoriously known to control your sense of happiness and is attached to all relevant sensations, as we will detail for you shortly.
How MDMA actually works is by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin [3].
Essentially, neuronal synapses are sending the neurotransmitter serotonin down the line to pass on information down the brain. But when you take MDMA, it puts something of a ‘cap’ on the reuptake receptor and it stops the following synapses from picking up that serotonin.
Importantly, the neurons that are transmitting the serotonin don’t just halt; it’s just that the receiving neurons have been temporarily impaired from doing their job. Finally, when all serotonin breaks through the cap that MDMA has placed on the receptor, your brain gets a huge flood of the neurotransmitter, and you get massive waves of positive sensations.
As an analogy, think of a dam. Imagine that there is a steady flow of water passing through. Now, imagine that you quickly erect a wall of stone to block the water’s passage, held together by superglue. Eventually, the water on one side will build and build to a point where the new superglued wall simply cannot contain the pressure of the water any longer. The water will eventually burst through, and for a small while exude a higher water pressure on the rest of the dam than before the wall was built. This, in a sense, is how MDMA operates on the neurotransmitter serotonin.
NOTE: It should be mentioned that MDMA does also operate both on the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine to a degree, but primarily modulates the effects of serotonin in the brain [4].
Usage and Legality
In terms of usage, MDMA is a relatively popular drug, especially in the United States. It is estimated that in the USA alone, 2 million MDMA pills are smuggled in illegally every single day [5]. As the street price of a single ecstasy pill usually runs in the price range of about $20 – $40 USD, that, on the higher end, makes the MDMA market alone worth $29,000,000,000 USD annually. Yes, that reads 29 Billion.
(766kg of pure MDMA being confiscated in record-breaking bust.)
Conversely, some studies would report the opposite findings regarding MDMA’s popularity. Consider what has to say regarding MDMA’s usage:
Among the general population, MDMA use is not very common. According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, only 0.3 percent of people aged 12 and older reported using “ecstasy” in the past month, 1 percent reported using it in the past year, and 6.8 percent reported using at least once in their lifetime…[6]
Now, while this would point to MDMA not coming close to the popularity mentioned formerly in this article, it is important to remember a couple of things:
- It’s difficult to know the genuine number of people who actually use MDMA given this sort of epidemiological (self-reported/surveyed) study because it requires people to be honest about their use of a Schedule 1 substance to an authority (legality covered just below).
- It could be the case that the people who do use it, use a lot of it. Making the drug not necessarily popular in terms of numbers, but popular in terms of total amount consumed per annum.
In terms of legality, both in Canada and the USA, MDMA is indeed given a Schedule I classification. This classification is reserved for drugs and substances, which are considered to have a high potential for abuse and are deemed to have no strict medical use. Possession of such substances can result in a 7 year imprisonment; and persons found to be trafficking these substances, can face imprisonment all the way up to a lifetime sentence. [7] Serious stuff…
What Does MDMA FEEL Like?
Okay, so now for the 29 Billion dollar question, what does this stuff dubbed “ecstasy” actually feel like?! (We will delve into the compound’s street names and their significance in the following section).
Plainly, in users, MDMA induces the following effects on the mind and body [8]:
- Euphoria – a sense of general well-being and happiness
- Increased self-confidence, sociability, and perception of facilitated communication
- Entactogenic effects—increased empathy or feelings of closeness with others and oneself
- Dilated pupils
- Relaxation and reduced anxiety
- Increased emotionality
- A sense of inner peace
- Mild hallucination (generally on larger doses)
- Enhanced sensation, perception, or sexuality
- Altered sense of time
Additionally, the following short term “side-effects” may also be present in someone under the influence of the substance [9]:
- Dehydration
- Hyperthermia – overheating
- Bruxism (grinding and clenching of the teeth)
- Increased wakefulness or insomnia
- Increased perspiration and sweating
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure
- Increased psychomotor activity
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Erectile dysfunction
- Visual and auditory hallucinations (rarely, and only on high doses)
Now, some people may be asking about the more severe ramifications of taking this substance as afterall, people have died on it, right?
Well, yes. They have. Let’s look into this.
Overdose, Dangers & Identity Crisis
It seems that both the supply and demand are decently elevated for this substance in the party scene and on the street. However, unfortunately, this love drug has a bit of a sinister identity problem. Unlike cocaine and crystal meth, for example, where a user is generally looking for the “cleanest and purest stuff they can get,” MDMA is oftentimes intentionally mixed with other substances.
Where as Molly, MDMA, and M all refer the the pure chemical structure of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Ecstasy on the other hand actually refers to the intentionally mixed substance of MDMA and either speed (amphetamine), ephedrine, or caffeine – all of which dramatically increase the dangerous potential ramifications of M’s ingestion. [10]
When we shift over to MDMA in its pure form, the discussion gets a little difficult to pinpoint in terms of fatalities. Generally speaking, fatal ingestion with MDMA in the system is typically compounded by hyponatremia (too little sodium in the system), hyperthermia, or dehydration. [11]
Basically, this means that when people are taking this stuff, either they are not drinking enough water, they are drinking too much water, or are over exerting themselves. To be entirely frank, these do all seem like situations one can easily run into when raving or clubbing for hours…
To compare MDMA’s general safety to other substances, check out how it compares to both alcohol and tobacco use:
(Image taken from the DEA database.)
Furthermore, compare MDMA’s fatality rate to prescription medications (MDMA is a psychostimulant):
As you can see from the images above, while the number of deaths from MDMA are very few, fatality from MDMA does still tragically occur. Moreover, we are in a difficult place when it comes to identifying why these deaths occur.
The issues are plainly as follows:
- MDMA and Ecstasy are very rarely, if ever, distinguished between in government reported statistics. While MDMA does, of course, have its risks, it’s important to note that amphetamine and caffeine by themselves (which appear in ecstasy but not in pure MDMA) have displayed the potential for lethal overdose when ingested by themselves. [12]
- The physical venue or setting of these deaths are not conducive to regular health-maintenance and often call for people to be away from water for long periods of time.
- The energy some users enjoy as a result of the drug leads to massive overexertion, which in turn leads to overheating and dehydration.
- A user who fails to monitor their water intake may overindulge and deplete the sodium in their system resulting in hyponatremia.
These 4 factors leave us in a precarious situation. However, as a reminder, MDMA can still cause fatality, but the degree to which it does so, is still shrouded in mystery. Consider the following statistic from the DEA:
“[In 2001] out of a total of 76 deaths where MDMA was detected, only 9 involved MDMA by itself. “ [13]
Unfortunately, the setting and hydration of these poor individuals were not recorded in the DEA’s statistics. We do not know if they were sitting calmly in their living rooms with adequate water and good company, or jumping for 8 hours straight in a poorly ventilated room listening to EDM…We also have no idea how much these people had in their systems.
While pointing out these issues is not an attempt to encourage the use of MDMA, we are trying to point to the idea that perhaps there is a safer way to try this substance if proper planning is taken into consideration.
NOTE – Long Term Effects: While the long-term effects of MDMA are not well understood, there are studies that have converse indications. For example, click here to read about how MDMA can only be detected in the body for 5 days after use, and click here to read about how there may be traces for 7 years in monkey trials. As the results thus far are conflicting, we recommend that you do further research on your own to determine which way the literature more heavily points.
What Does MDMA Look Like?
When it comes to what MDMA looks like, you’re probably used to seeing a little pill with cute smiley faces or adorable rabbits on them. Unfortunately, these pills, also known as “pressed caps” are usually not just MDMA – they’re usually cut with something. As they’re in their pressed form, they can be very difficult to test for purity and so it is usually safely assumed that these guys are Ecstacy pills and not pure MDMA.
Conversely, MDMA is usually a whitish, brownish, and sometimes orangish power that can come in rock form or crystal form. When looking for impurities, generally there will be different colours and the whole substance will not look uniform. Below are pictures to illustrate the difference between ecstasy and MDMA:
As you can see above, there must be at least 1 additive given that these pills are entirely different colours…
Here we see a relative consistency in the colour of each granule. This is what pure MDMA looks like.
Proper Planning
Okay, so you’ve decided that you want to try this stuff (which, again UpRiver does not recommend…), and you want to make sure you do it as safely as possible. This will require a few things:
- Gram scale
- Paper and pen
- Drug test kit
- Predetermined amount of drinking water
- Timer/watch
First thing you’re going to want to do is test the purity of what you have. Visual inspection is a good first step, but will NEVER be enough to determine if what you have in your possession is what you think it is. To actually test, you must follow a process by using the solution provided to you in your test kit. Ideally, you will have a multistage test kit, as these are the most accurate but cost a few pretty pennies more (just pay for it dudes, this is your health and safety we’re talking about). Multistage test kits help ensure against the most potential impurities of the substance.
Once the test kit reveals that what you have does not contain impurities and is actually pure MDMA, you will want to weigh out on your gram scale exactly how much you’re going to do. As this substance is strong, changing by even .01 of a gram can change your experience. Typically a starting dose is about 0.13g but this can vary from person to person. We use 0.13g as a benchmark as this is the amount given to PTSD participants in clinical trials.
Next you’re going to get your water ready. We recommend drawing lines on your water bottle with a time beside each line to ensure that you’re drinking an appropriate amount of water during your experience. This way you can avoid the two most popular issues with MDMA use: too much water, and too little. Use your watch or your phone to set alarms to ensure that when that hour rolls around (which, it will sooner than you think), you drink the amount of water you’ve set for yourself.
Next, just as you ingest, write down on a piece of paper exactly how much you took, and at what time. Now, this really serves 2 purposes. The first purpose is so that if you do decide to redose (which UpRiver DOES NOT recommend…), you have a gauge of where you are in terms of timing and total intake. Second, and more practically, if something for some reason were to go awry, you have the exact information a medical professional would need to give you the most appropriate assistance.
After your experience, for the next 1-7 days, you may be struck by a state of either one of two things: the hangover, or the afterglow. While these two do not generally make an appearance in what little clinical research is out there, many users on online forums report a well known dichotomy that affects users on an individual basis.
The Afterglow:
If you’re lucky, for the next week or so after your experience with MDMA, you will feel a residual happiness. A sort of air about you and a gratitude for all things and people in your life. You will feel generally optimistic and emotionally refreshed, as if having lifted a burden that you carried on your shoulders for some time. This is a really nice place to be and if you experience this, you are on the luckier side of folks.
The Hangover:
If you’re not so lucky, for a week or so after your experience with MDMA, you may have what people sometimes analogize to a hangover. You might not be in the mood to see people, generally feel a little down, and experience signs of irritability. Fortunately, these effects rarely last longer than a few days, but during those few days, you may just need to take some time for yourself, focus on your meditation practice, and eat wholesome, brain supporting foods.
Any way you swing though, most users look back on their experience with fond eyes. We are reminded by users online that we live in a fantastically interesting era where not only do we have the opportunity to see life from new perspectives with the help of substances, but we also have the tools to ensure our health and wellness in doing so.
The Future and Clinical Trials
While there have been very few studies done on MDMA when compared to other clinically prescribed SSRI’s, there does seem to be some interesting stuff coming down the pipeline. Many of these studies include promising effects on PTSD, and depression. [14] Additionally, there are even clinics coming out like this one that boast the benefits of their MDMA-assisted therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy regimens.
Despite a legalization time still being shrouded by the future, more and more research is coming out displaying real therapeutic uses for this compound. On the other hand, until we understand a little bit better how MDMA fully operates in the brain and its mechanisms of action, legalization seems dubious.
Authors Motivation
I’ll come clean. I’ve tried the stuff. The first time, somebody put it in my drink when I was DJ’ing at a house party and while REALLY NOT FUC%$NG COOL to do to someone (especially because you don’t know if they’re on meditation or anything like that), I’ll admit that I had one of the best nights of my life… The lights felt warmer, the music sounded better, and I felt like everybody was very much vibing with whatever music I spun. Maybe I was reading the crowd better on the stuff, or maybe I was just on drugs… I knew at least one was for sure.
Anyway, fast forward and I have done MDMA a couple more times since that first unexpected night. Both times were with my best friend and we did it on an introspective endeavor. We just sat and talked and allowed the pleasant feelings of euphoria to wash over us. We spoke about our appreciation for one another, we spoke about past memories, and we spoke about what the future might hold.
One intriguing thing about MDMA, as I always describe it to people, is that it allows people to have a conversation from a default place of happiness and empathy. What I mean is this: suppose you and your buddy or partner are arguing. Naturally it gets confrontational and you accuse one another of doing or being something that is a hair out of line. As this happens, your demeanour inevitably changes towards one more hostile. This is where MDMA changes things.
You don’t get angrier; you dont get more hostile. You become an amazing listener and an amazing conversationalist. You’re able to sort out your issues from a place where nobody takes things to heart and you can totally evaluate what is being said almost objectively. You tap into a level of empathy that is normally not there. Very cool stuff.
Anyway, I’ve had a fascination with this substance for some time now and while I cannot say that I’ve done it at a party or rave (by design), I have done it for the sake of sitting and talking with my close circle in attempts – all successful – to get even closer with them. While there are real dangers to taking this stuff, especially if done improperly, I am personally very grateful to be able to have the know-how to use this substance responsibly and on rare occasions to genuinely improve my life.
I will add, once more, that this is not a common practice for me. I do it quite sparingly and any time could be the last time I ever decide to take MDMA. But so long as proper precautions are taken (as mentioned above in this article), I am sure that I will enjoy more rich experiences with people that I genuinely love, and continue to deepen my appreciation for them on varying planes of consciousness. Again, maybe in those times I’m just on drugs and perceiving my getting closer with them or whatever, but what I can tell you is that even when the effects have worn off, and the either afterglow or hangover has subsided, I continue to perceive said deepening of our connection and for that, I am thankful.
(Again, I don’t recommend you take this stuff….)
MDMA is a substance that causes many different kinds of euphoria in the person who ingests it. While there is an identity crisis surrounding this substance, which leads to its misuse, there are also very helpful precautions one can take in order to have the safest and most pleasant possible experience. While more information is needed regarding the mechanisms of action of MDMA, given it’s obvious power to increase empathy and general feelings of wellbeing, there is a growing body of research aimed at using this compound for therapeutic purposes.
Despite deaths from MDMA’s isolated use being few and far between, deaths still have occurred. Tragically, we do not know the environment these individuals were in when they succumbed to their complications. If we had known, this could have helped our understanding of the genuine risks involved in MDMA’s consumption and either advised us towards better precautions, or allowed us to relax our hysteria. Notwithstanding, it is still important to take the fact that MDMA played a role in their fatality of some, under advisement. While this substance is very much illegal in the western world, this does not stop many from experimenting with MDMA and enjoying the pleasurable sensations it offers its users. Finally, while MDMA has been shown to be statistically very safe when compared to alcohol and tobacco consumption, we at UpRiver still do not recommend that you use this substance. In the event that you choose to ignore this recommendation, we strongly urge that you employ safe practices and enjoy responsibly.
Best of luck biohacker, and as always, keep moving UpRiver.

[3] ibid