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    • #3547

      Just been thinking about our site and how I use it. Thought I’d drop my thoughts here!

      Everything comes down to habits; you are what you do repeatedly. We need to be fed the right information to feed the right habits.

      My most important habits I practice are:

      Getting up at a consistent time
      Prayer in any form
      Gratitude practice
      Immersion in nature
      A nutrient dense diet
      Avoiding toxins in food and one’s environment
      Heat exposure
      Cold exposure
      Bed time routine

      Habits I maintain at all times in my mindset are:

      Being present
      Eliminating addiction in any form
      Sexual transmutation
      Healthy relationships with others

      I try to tie all of these together into one daily routine that way it’s just programmed into my day. I usually get up an hour before work to get in most of the habits in the first table. I practice the habits in the second table as much as I need them.

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